summer season diseases

Summer Season Diseases: 5 Common Illnesses and Their Remedies

Summer brings sunshine, vacations, and outdoor fun. But with the heat and humidity also come some health concerns. Being aware of common summer season diseases and how to prevent them is crucial for a healthy and enjoyable season. This is an active time of the year and in all that enjoyment, we often forget to take care of ourselves. This lack of care can develop several conditions like sunburn, heatstroke, foodborne illness or food poisoning, and others. 

Summer illnesses can be broadly categorized into heat-related illnesses, waterborne diseases, insect-borne illnesses, and sun-related problems. By understanding these categories and taking preventive measures, you can significantly reduce your risk of getting sick. 

5 Common Summer Season Diseases and Their Remedies

1. Dehydration


Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than it takes in. It’s a common problem in summer due to sweating caused by heat and physical activity. Symptoms include thirst, fatigue, dizziness, headache, and decreased urination. Dehydration can also occur due to other reasons like diarrhoea and vomiting which are very common during the summer season too. 

Staying hydrated throughout the summer is essential. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Electrolyte-rich beverages can also be helpful, especially during exercise. Fruits and vegetables with high water content, like watermelon and cucumber, are great additions to your diet.

For mild dehydration, rehydrate with water or oral rehydration solutions (ORS). If you experience severe symptoms like extreme fatigue, confusion, or rapid heartbeat, seek medical attention immediately.

2. Heatstroke


Heatstroke is a medical emergency that occurs when your body overheats and can’t regulate its temperature. It’s most common in older adults, young children, and people with pre-existing health conditions. Risk factors also include strenuous activity in extreme heat.

Heatstroke also happens due to dehydration as our body fails to produce sweat to regulate our outer body temperature. Symptoms of heatstroke include confusion, disorientation, high body temperature (above 104°F), rapid heartbeat, and seizures.

Preventing heatstroke is crucial; stay hydrated, wear loose-fitting clothing, and avoid prolonged sun exposure, especially during peak heat hours. Seek shade or air-conditioned spaces when necessary. 

If you suspect someone is suffering from heatstroke, call emergency services immediately. While waiting for help, move the person to a cool, shaded area and try to cool their body down with wet clothes or ice packs.

3. Foodborne Illness

Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning, is caused by consuming contaminated food or water containing bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Common symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal cramps.

Food safety practices are especially important during summer as heat can accelerate bacterial growth. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling food, cook meat to safe internal temperatures, and properly store leftovers in the refrigerator. Avoid undercooked meats, unpasteurized dairy products, and unwashed fruits and vegetables.

For mild foodborne illness, focus on rest and hydration. Over-the-counter medications can help manage symptoms like diarrhea and nausea. However, if you experience severe vomiting, bloody stools, or dehydration, seek medical attention to prevent complications.

4. Sunburn


Sunburn is damage to the skin caused by excessive ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. There are different degrees of sunburn, ranging from mild redness to severe blistering.

Overexposure to UV rays increases the risk of skin cancer and premature aging. Sun protection is vital year-round, but especially during summer. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher liberally and reapply every two hours, or more often if sweating or swimming.

Seek shade during peak sun hours (usually 10 am to 4 pm) and wear protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses.

For mild sunburn, soothe the skin with cool compresses and aloe vera gel. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help with discomfort. If you experience severe blistering, fever, or chills, consult a healthcare professional.

5. Insect Bites and Stings

Insect Bites and Stings

Mosquitoes, bees, wasps, and ticks are common summer pests. Their bites and stings can cause pain, swelling, redness, and itching.

Insect repellent is your best defense. Choose a repellent containing DEET for maximum protection. Wear long sleeves and pants when venturing into areas with high insect activity. After spending time outdoors, check for ticks, especially in areas like the armpits and behind the ears.

Treat insect bites and stings by cleaning the area with soap and water. Apply calamine lotion or ice packs to reduce swelling and itching. Antihistamines can also help alleviate itching.

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience a severe allergic reaction, difficulty breathing, or excessive swelling.


By being aware of these five common summer season diseases or illnesses and taking preventive measures, you can significantly reduce your risk of getting sick and enjoy the season to the fullest. Remember to stay hydrated, practice sun safety, handle food carefully, and protect yourself from insects.

For more information on summer health and safety, you can visit the websites of reputable organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or your local health department. 

At Apollo Clinic Silchar, we have experts who specialize in a number of fields. If your conditions persist for long, consult our experts and get a professional opinion on your situation. Book your consultation today! 

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