The ever-changing world is having an irreversible effect on our overall health, especially our heart. The stress, adulterated and unhealthy eating, lack of proper sleep and rest, and many other factors from our daily lives are exposing our hearts to several diseases. Therefore, we are here to help you protect yourself and know about the […]
Putting our health first often falls by the wayside in today’s busy world. Not getting regular checkups, on the other hand, can have big effects in the future. A comprehensive health exam, which is another name for a whole-body checkup, is a proactive way to stay healthy at any age. In this blog, we will […]
According to the World Health Organisation, about 3.6 million people across the world live in zones susceptible to drastic climate change. This leaves us with nothing but a question: is it harmful for our health? Can climate be the cause of our poor health? Tag along as we go over the impact of climate change […]
What is Paediatric ADHD? Paediatric ADHD, Attention Deficiency/ Hyperactivity Disorder is a behavioural development in a child that starts at a very early age. This is a common neurodevelopmental condition or a long-term disorder affecting millions of kids and often lasts into adulthood. ADHD is a group of long-lasting issues, like having trouble focusing, being […]
Living healthy in the presently changing world is not exactly a walk in the park. The climate is changing, people are not eating healthy, the level of stress is rising by the day, and all of this cannot quite end in what we refer to as ‘good health’. Doctors and healthcare professionals have always advised […]